GDPR and Data Management

Easily and Securely Manage Personal Data Entrusted to Your Business from a Single Platform.

The compliance process with laws and regulations for the processing of personal data, known as KVKK (Personal Data Protection Law) in our country and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in European countries, may have complicated your processes, which every business must do, and which may make your marketing activities more difficult. In addition to the personal data entrusted to you, it has now become a necessity to manage the contact information such as e-mail and telephone, which are necessary for carrying out your marketing activities, through the IYS (Message Management System). It is possible to manage all these data processing and permission processes easily and securely on a single platform!

What are the Conveniences of the Platform?

What Can You Manage?

Come to Jetlid. Let us help you adapt all your processes to KVKK and GDPR policies with our solution partners who are experts in KVKK, IYS and Data Management. Apply now for detailed information and to get a quote.

Come to Jetlid. Let us help you adapt all your processes to KVKK and GDPR policies with our solution partners who are experts in KVKK, IYS and Data Management. Apply now for detailed information and to get a quote.

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